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On 26/04/2007, at 22:35, Paul Hudson wrote:
I am trying to get LuaSoap ( working in Lua5.1.
The first batch of errors trickled down to needing to recompile LuaExpat specifically for Lua5.1 and not compat-5.1.
But now I am having trouble with LuaSoap's use of LuaSocket.
I am admittedly new to Lua and especially new to modules, so bear with me.

This is probably not LuaSocket's fault.

LuaSOAP has started as a Kepler module but due to lack of interest and maintainers it slipped behind the other modules and have been removed from Kepler 1.0 distribution.

I'll send an email with more details about Kepler 1.1 status.
