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David Given wrote:
It occurs to me that a reasonably elegant way of implementing non-trivial
syntax modifications to Lua would be to have a totally separate, off-line
compiler --- most likely written in Lua --- that reads in a Lua chunk,
transforms it somehow, and then outputs it again as vanilla Lua source that
can be passed to the real interpreter.

I don't think that would be adequate. There are a number of useful and
interesting constructions which can be implemented by generating VM
code, but cannot be implemented (efficiently) as source code transforms.

One example is the : call syntax, already discussed somewhere in this
longish thread (and not just because the VM provides OP_SELF to
implement the construct). You could, I think, just barely implement
that with a source transformation which broke expressions into the
equivalent of three-operator instructions, allocating temporaries as
necessary, but you would still end up with unnecessarily bulky compiled
code in many cases.

Having an assembler for the Lua VM would be a plausible option, though,
but it would require rather more explicit definition of the VM
than Lua presently offers.

This way we gain all the advantages of the amazingly fast stream-based
compiler, plus all the advantages of a complex AST-based compiler (which can
also do code optimisation), plus we maintain a clear distinction between the
Lua core language and the extended language (because they're implemented in
separate programs!).

If run-time compilation of extended language chunks was required, it ought to
be relatively straightforward to override load() to run the script through the
off-line compiler first.