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Hello everyone!

How do I compile my Lua 5.0.3 app with Open Watcom for MS-DOS?

I have this:

wcc -fo=temp.o exe\main.c -i%LUA_INCLUDE%
wlink import %LUA_LIB%\lua50.lib file temp.o >wlink_out.txt

wlink gives me many undefined references (including Lua ones), but I believe the first 3 errors are the culprit. They say:

Warning! W1008: cannot open clibs.lib : file not found
Warning! W1008: cannot open math87s.lib : file not found
Warning! W1008: cannot open emu87.lib : file not found

Any ideas why? I got the owc1 libraries from LuaBinaries.

Thanks in advance!

(And sorry for posting so many questions at once...)