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There are other issues that stop a clean compile of Lua on CE like
missing RTL APIs. One can take several different approaches to
Lua on CE. e.g. making it a UNICODE app., making it a UTF-8 app.
I think the issues with CE are wider than just loadlib.c.



Sorry about the failing memory in the earlier post.

On 3/28/07, Wim Couwenberg <> wrote:
> > One question: does GetProcAddress have to be
> > changed to GetProcAddressA, too?
> No.

OK...  So I forgot that there's also Windows CE...  It seems that CE
prior to 3.0 only has GetProcAddress but *always* takes a unicode
argument and CE 3.0 and later supports GetProcAddressA...  There's no
GetProcAddressA in non-CE versions.

