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  There is an error in way luac imports the symbols from the DLL. The most
simple solution is indeed to statically link luac.

  So, we rebuild the "luac5.1.exe" executable and replaced the
"" and "" files on the
LuaBinaries download. Only "luac5.1.exe" was updated.

  The problem affects only the luac "-l" parameter. If you do not use this
parameter you do not need to update your luac executable.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

> The problem is with luaP_opnames and luaP_opmodes (lopcodes.c)
> linked into luac via print.c. Entries in the luaP_opnames array are
> used when listing code with luac. I have read that Windows should
> be able to share constant data from a dynamic link library, but I
> have yet to find out how to do this with either Visual C or MinGW.
> Linking lopcodes.o statically into lua.exe and luac.exe doesn't
> seem to work either -- in this case, the linker cannot resolve a
> bunch of references (luaU_dump, luaF_newproto, and other members of
> the LUAI_FUNC clan) from luac.o.
> Consequently, in my builds for Windows I have just punted and built
> luac.exe statically, just like Luiz Henrique has recommended all
> along.
> -- 
> Kurt Jung