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On Feb 27, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Sam Roberts wrote:

Somehow I need to get the userdata back onto the lua stack, based
upon the identity of the C++ instance pointer.  getfenv() will not
help, since it requires that the call was made as the result of a
lua_CFunction call from Lua, not a lua_pcall from C.

I really don't know what you mean here.

This refers to the option of storing the lua table inside the userdata's environment; but this only helps if you already have the lua userdata on the stack.

This will not work because it is only valid in the context of a
lua_CFunction call, and my call comes from a later C++ triggered

I don't know what you mean by that, either, sorry, it sounds like you
are doing pretty much exactly what I am doing with swirl inside
callbacks from vortex, a C BEEP implementation. The Vortex kernel calls a C function, and I use a lua_State to map addresses back to their udata

Yes indeed, very similar.

See v_obj_get(): rev=1.3;cvsroot=swirl

After doing v_obj_get() I could call lua_getfenv() to get the table from
the udata object.

I see. In the globals table you have something like this

LUA_GLOBALSINDEX.V_MAIN._objects[ptr] = (some lua object, e.g. table).

In my case I'm using the registry, rather than a table inside the globals table, but its pretty much the same otherwise. The reference stored here prevents garbage collection.

I also notice you use luaL_ref to retain the location of lua functions for later callbacks from C; I hadn't used luaL_ref before, but I wonder whether this might be a better solution to my problem.
