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On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 02:59:39PM -0800, Graham Wakefield wrote:
> Thanks, but I think perhaps I wasn't clear enough about my needs; see
> below:

I'm certainly not understanding :-)

> On Feb 26, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Sam Roberts wrote:
> >
> >>REGISTRY[weakvaluedtable][table] = ptr
> >
> >^-- probably unnecessary, see below
> >
> >>// from C++ ptr to table:
> >>
> >>getfenv(REGISTRY[weakvaluedtable][ptr])

^--- This lookup you pseudocode here...

> >>// from table to C++ ptr:
> >>
> >>REGISTRY[weakvaluedtable][table]
> >
> >Why would you would you want to map the table to the ptr?
> >
> >lua code will have only a udata, and will pass a udata to C code,  
> >your C
> >code will call lua_touserdata() to get the ptr. No table required.
> Because I want to call back into the lua State from C++ at a later  
> point in time (after the main Lua chunk has run).  That's why I need to
> 	A) prevent the table being collected until I'm ready
> 	B) get to the userdata/table from a raw pointer

--- gets you the udata/table from a raw ptr...

> >>
> >
> >Optional: if you need to go from udata -> table, maybe to store some
> >number of lua values with your udata, thats what lua_getfenv() is for.
> Yes, but how do I get to the udata from a raw C++ pointer, after the  
> main Lua chunk has run (i.e. in response to a C++ event)?

--- as you need.

As for (A) above, "until you are ready", when will you "be ready"?

The implementation you sketched out removed the table->ptr mapping in
the udata's __gc metamethod, so the table has no life beyond the udata's

So, it has no point (that I can see):

A) It doesn't extend the lifetime of the table past the lifetime of the
udata, the table will be available for GC as soon as the udata.__gc
metamethod returns.

B) It doesn't help you get from ptr to udata, or from
udata to table.

Btw, have you read


Its brief, but the PIL describes this, in specific relation to
callbacks. Its more detailed in the 2nd edition, which also describes
lua_get/set fenv for udata.
