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Matthew A. Nicholson wrote:
Jérôme VUARAND wrote:
2007/2/25, Thomas Harning Jr. <>:
On 2/25/07, Matthew A. Nicholson <> wrote:
Great job on the library, however I think it could use a little fixing
for the 'as' function.  Passing in a variable of the type in order to
get C++ to know what type to use doesn't sound like the best idea.
Using C++ templates seems to make the most sense to me.

Instead of:
int val =, index);
It would be:
int val =<int>(index);

... Just my 2 cents.

I was about to make the same suggestion. And if your original
intention was to write more generic code like :

int val;
val =, index);

with a modern compiler you could write :

int val =<typeof(val)>(index);

Not all compiler support the typeof operator yet, but GCC does and
template based limited implementations exist for those that don't.

The design for that function was taken from pqxx:

Looking at their docs, they use a template for it too (and have the option to specify a default value to return if the conversion fails). I will update it to match.

Here is the proper link:

Thanks for the feedback.
Matthew A. Nicholson