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Hi folks,

I've been working on a modified version of Lua for my own project and am nearing completion bar one final change: switching to local variables by default.  The way in which I use Lua results in 'local' keywords being scattered all over the source code and I have little need for globals, so I'm desperate to get rid of the locals in order to make things easier to read and introduce a global keyword.

I've been looking everywhere for a patch to v5.1 that might do what I need
but have uncovered nothing.  Judging from the amount of people wanting such
a conversion though, I was wondering if anyone had changed the code
themselves or are hording a patch that would do it :-)

Failing that, if I have to change the source code myself can anyone spare a
clue on where I should be looking to make this adjustment (the file(s) and
function(s))?  I'm hoping that it would be a simple adjustment.
