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>> At the moment, the interpreter does not build correct code from source


>What errors does the compiler give?


>> but the engine does execute compiled code correctly.


>You mean, code compiled with luac?



Here’s a portion of my test code:


    char test10[] = "a=1;b=2;c=a+b;print(c)";

    if ((error = luaL_loadbuffer(L, test10, strlen(test10), "<test10>")) == 0) {

        error = lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);


    if (error != 0) {

        Syslog(loglist,LOG_SEVERE,"Err in test10: %s",lua_tostring(L, -1));

        lua_pop(L, 1);          // pop error message from the stack



Running on the prototype hardware (i.e.68331), the compiler/interpreter generates no errors, i.e. luaL_loadbuffer returns 0. However, lua_pcall then either causes a fault or returns a bogus error message like “attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value”. To track this down, I worked my way down into the VM code and found that the instructions there do not match what is generated by the luac compiler running in Visual Studio 6 under Windows 2000 Pro. The first few instructions look good, but the rest is no good (e.g. no return instruction anywhere).


I can compile this lua source on the PC, convert the binary chunk into a C byte string, build that into the program, and it executes correctly a few times.


BTW, is there a good porting guide somewhere? I need something for what I call an “embedded” environment; i.e. not embedded in other software, but embedded in a hardware device with limited resources. Also, I’m working with version 5.0.2.


Thanks very much for the help!
