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Would you be okay in making this via token filters?

For the cases you point out, it could:
	mat[exp1,exp2] --> getmetatable(mat).__index(exp1,exp2)

For a function returning multiple values, it could not, but we can rule that out, right?


On 24.11.2006, at 21.51, Shannon Stewman wrote:

A straightforward extension to indexing that allowed a library to implement mat[i,j] by allowing multiple arguments to __index and __newindex. This would eliminate proxy objects (of the sort mat[i] [j] requires) and not require painful manual addressing (the highly annoying mat[j*NCOL+i]).

Slicing can easily be done with the existing syntax:

mat1[ slice(1,3) ] = mat2[ slice(4,6) ]

which extends nicely to 2+ dimensional arrays:

mat1[ slice(1,3) , slice(1,3) ] = mat2[ slice(4,6), slice(5,7) ]