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I'm new to Lua and do not totally understand the basic
syntax, let alone this patch you describe.  Could you
provide a simpler overview of what you are describing



--- wrote:

> Attached is a set of token tuning tools, and some 
> tune-ups, to give your Lua a flashy, almost 
> syntax-over-sugary look.
> I don't promise furry backseats, no built-in XBox
> 360, but 
> almost. :)
> Requirements:
>       Lua 5.1 with token filter patch applied (not 
> included)
> Ignition:
>       make LUA=path-to-your-modded/lua
> Tested on:
>       OS X 10.4 (but there's nothing system
> specific)
> Gains:
>      ? cond { true_choice, false_choice }   --> 
>  _G['?'](cond){ true_choice, false_choice }
>      #...        -> select('#',...)
>      ...[n]      -> (select(n,...))
>      exp +=  -> exp = exp +
>      exp -=  -> exp = exp -
>      exp *=  -> exp = exp *
>      exp /=  -> exp = exp /
>      exp ..=  -> exp = exp ..
>      tbl.until          (and other reserved words: 
> function, repeat, nil, false, true)
>      {|, until=
>      obj:until
>      =|,|(|{ do  -> =|,|(|{ function()
> The important part really is the ftools.lua, which
> allows 
> multiple filters to co-operate, without need to know
> of 
> each other. As to my knowledge, this hasn't been
> possible 
> earlier.
> -asko

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