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On 26-Oct-06, at 11:32 AM, wrote:

Rici, I don't quite get what you mean.  Here is what I tried and it
didn't work (of course).  I know how to create an entry into the
registry, but then how would I go about calling the method once I've
stored it?

Get it back out of the registry and call it.

A small sample would be great.

  pL : Plua_State;
  callfunc : integer;

function lua_astarCallback(X, Y, Fx, Fy: integer): integer;
      WriteLn('Calling cfunction: '+IntToStr(Integer(callfunc)));
  lua_rawgeti(pL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

-- CLIP --
//      callfunc := lua_tocfunction(L, 9);
         callfunc := luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
 // Works because you know the stack has exactly nine things on it
 // Otherwise, I'd use:
           lua_pushvalue(L, 9);
           luaL_reg(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

See the refman or PiL for more details