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On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Jose Marin wrote:
If you had ported Lua to some platform (WindowsCE,
Gameboy, Palm, consoles, etc), I would like very much
to know how you did it, and what challenges did you

I need to identify the portions of Lua that needed to
be changed in every port.

I've run it under OpenVMS/Alpha, Windows (compiled using Open Watcom),
and VxWorks/PowerPC. Not had any difficulty in any of the ports.

For the Windows and OpenVMS compiles, it was just a matter of commenting
out the bits involving isatty; I just made it always assume stdin was a

On VxWorks, I replaced the wrapper stuff in lua.c with my own code.
There were two places in the system that I had to include <vxworks.h>,
but I made no other changes to the code. I don't recall where those
places were at the moment.

I've been pleased enough with how easy it was to make go and extend that
I've tossed my hand-crafted odd FORTH dialect in favor of Lua in the
embedded project I'm working on. I've extended it to include vector and
matrix arithmetic as well as allowing Lua scripts to manipulate key
native data structures wothout having to modify ANY of the original Lua
roger ivie