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As you can see in Lua syntax
(, in the definition of a
var, you can only index a prefixexp. "xxx" is an exp but not a
prefixexp. By surrounding it with parenthesis you create a prefixexp.
I don't know the real reason for this (the problem is the same for
tables, e.g. {foo=function() end}:foo()). I think I read something
about potential ambiguities with the function call without parenthesis
on the list some time ago, but I don't remember exacly the issue.

2006/10/14, Gavin Wraith <>:
In message <> you wrote:

> I can write
> s="xxxxxxxx"
> print(s:upper())
> why not
> "xxxxxxxxxx":upper()
> ?

Because "xxxxxxxxxx" is not an identifier but an expression?
Try ("xxxxxxxxxx"):upper() .

Gavin Wraith (
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