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I don't know if this is the best place to ask or not, but I'm trying
to open a C++ based module wrapped with tolua++.  My problem is that
the linker can't find the openlib function that creates the module
table despite the object file from the compiled source being included
in the linking command.  I checked what symbols are in the .o file
with "nm Lua_image.o".  And since the linker doesn't lie, indeed there
isn't a _tolua_image_open symbol which would point to this function:

TOLUA_API int  tolua_image_open (lua_State* tolua_S);

There are however some C++ mangled symbols like:
00004e5c T __Z13luaopen_imageP9lua_State
00000000 A

Does anyone have any experience with this problem?  If I don't compile
the file as C++, I get massive errors.  Any ideas?
