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A: 8,625 apples ;P

On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:50:27 -0500
 Rici Lake <> wrote:

On 27-Sep-06, at 7:41 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

This is why % and // seem out of place to me; integers are not a fundamental type in Lua, only numbers are. (Granted, % is defined for floating point numbers, but I have no idea what use it has and
its primary use seems intended to be integers.)

It is sometimes useful to do integer arithemetic; a useful subset of Lua numbers are integers. A number of interesting algorithms involve integer arithmetic.

But as you say, % (and //) are well-defined for non-integers, and they do have uses even if they haven't been useful for you. (I have $1.38 in my pocket, and apples cost $0.16 each. How many apples can I buy?)