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> Well I am almost sure that it is not my bug and
> the gc definitely collects stuff that is on a thread stack
> (and sets its value to nil). The question is what do I need do
> to provide more info. I am using 5.1.1.
> The collect call is
>     lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
> where L is the main (universe) state.
> I have two other threads each with 4 items on the stack. One of
> these items is the thread environment. The above collect sets
> the value of the item at stack position 3 to nil when the GC
> runs.

Do you know where the other threads are blocked (more specifically the
thread that has its item collected)? When you say "stack position 3",
are you counting from zero? (that is, is this the top position?)

-- Roberto