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One approach I use is set an environment on the userdata when it is created.  I use this table to store any properties or methods associated with the object.  In the __index metamethod, I also allow rollover into the klass' metatable:

  int indexMetaMethod( lua_State *L )
      lua_getfenv( L, 1 );
      lua_pushvalue( L, 2 );
      lua_rawget( L, -2 );

      if (!lua_isnil( L, -1 ))
        return 1;

      /* get the field from the object's klass table */
      lua_pop( L, 2 );

      lua_getmetatable( L, 1 );
      lua_pushvalue( L, 2 );
      lua_rawget( L, -2 );

      if (!lua_isnil( L, -1 ))
        return 1;

      return 0;

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