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That's start to be quite a long list... Could it be indexed ? 

Like Domain : game / network / multimedia / ... ?
And then qualified industry/academic/open source ?

It can be useful to quickly point to closely related to convice
hierarchy using Lua is safe because it has been used by serious
companies for varied kind of deployed projects... 

Then if hierarchy is keen on thinking this isn't too much of a niche, it
shall be less a problem for those : "oh no, yet another language to
learn... What can it do more than the ones I'm used too without doing
less ? So that I may consider changing my habits for what we are doing".

I take any suggestion or study on the latest though !

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Luiz Henrique
de Figueiredo
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:07 PM
Subject: new project added

The Lost City of Malathedra