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Well, I use that code in a ScriptManager class which creates a initial lua state, so I can put in there global variables or functions. Once the initial lua state is created, you can add
children with something like this:

	Script *ScriptManager::createScript()
		int top = lua_gettop(L);
		Script *script = 0;
		lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "Scripts"); // top + 1

		lua_State *thread = lua_newthread(L); // top + 2
script = new Script(thread); // this is the new lua-state for that script

		lua_newtable(L);  // a global table for this script
		lua_newtable(L);  // metatable
lua_getfenv(L,top+2); // that returns the global table (we are going to protect) lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); // set global table as __index of the thread
		lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

		lua_setfenv(L,top+2);  // set env of the new thread

lua_pushlightuserdata(L, script); // key, the pointer to my own Script class
		lua_pushvalue(L, top+2);          // value, the new lua thread.
		lua_rawset(L,top+1); // Scripts table


		return script;

Script is a class that handles a single lua-state ( in fact it doesn't know that is a thread) By the way, the ScriptManager stores it's children scripts in the registry in a table called "Scripts" indexed by the
pointer of  the new Script class instance.

Jose L.

El 24/05/2006, a las 13:49, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo escribió:

Does using lua threads actually imply that I must use a thread? In the
model I am suggesting, only one application is 'live' at a time - you
can imagine a main menu with apps hanging off it. You go into each app
one at a time.  No application concurrency.

Can application access the threads global table (and by implication)
access another application's data?  Or can this be prottected in the
manner you have described with the global table?

If there is no concurrency, then you may try to create a single parent
state containing your static data and functions and then load each
"application" into a separate child state for which the global table
has been changed to an empty table with an __index metamethod pointing
to the parent global table. All static data will be seen in the child
state but they'll be protected against wrtiting.