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On Thursday 27 April 2006 3:15 pm, Oldrich Svec wrote:
> Here ( you can find an example of using
> strings (print("-5.3e - 10"*"2")) but it doesn't work(attempt to perform

if this is scientific notation (-5.3 x 10^-10), remove the spaces around the 
'-' and it works ok.

> arithmetic on a string value)... I use Lua 5.1.
> Generaly I want to use it to calculate strings (fe. "5+1+4" =>
> print("5+1+4"+"0") should give 10 but it doesnt work.. :(


function calcstring (s)
    local f = loadstring ("return "..s)
    return f and f()

print (calcstring ("5+1+4")) => 10


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