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Hi all,

I'm on MacOS X 10.4 building Lua 5.1 with Boost Build v2 (a
jam-derived build system). I'm trying to get
require('my_extension.dylib', 'init') (or require('',
'init')) to work from the lua interpreter, but everytime I run it I
get back an error. The problem essentially boils down to this:

> print(package.loadlib("./libluagreet.dylib", "init"))
nil     file is not a bundle    open

I'm wondering:
   - What kind of native support exists in Lua 5.1 for the loading of
dynamic lua extensions?
   - Is there a more widely accepted / generally more useful way to
load lua extensions?

I am new to the Lua development world, and I apologize if these
questions have already been anwered elsewhere. I have been Googling
for a while with little (or severely outdated) results. Any help on
the matters would be greatly appreciated.


Foster T. Brereton - Computer Scientist
Software Technology Lab, Adobe Systems Incorporated   --