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I am a novice user of Lua so please excuse the lack of knowledge.

I'm trying to perform checks and other functions on an empty table, such as table.getn(table). This was something I thought would give a result of zero as per the first edition of Programming in Lua. However, I am in actuality getting an error for trying to index a nil value. What is upsetting more is that I've seen another script use this same call and not generate an error.

To give more clarity on code:

disp = {};
if ((not disp) or (table.getn(disp)==0)) then
  do stuff

Further on I try to use the same variable in a for statement:

for i,d in disp do
  do things

This also is generating an error about trying to access a nil value. Again, this is an exact copy of code that works, yet mine does not. Any suggestions?