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Adrian Sietsma wrote:
Chris :
I'm not sure if Roberto intended what you think you read. If and when Lua gets a compacting garbage collector, a userdata's address would move around just like any other gc object. Maybe that will never happen and maybe they have some clever way to guarantee that userdatas never move. But it seems like a better idea to not rely on this and use your own data.

I read A to mean that userdata never moves, and will code accordingly.
It would be nice to have this point clarified in the manual.

consider - if a userdata can move due to garbage collection, it would have _major_ implications for c routines. There would need to be clear rules on the lifetime of pointers returned from lua_newuserdata() and lua_touserdata(), and which operations may invalidate them. Or, some contract with the gc to say "leave this block alone".

I think it would be a mistake not to write code protecting your C functions from disappearing userdata, which by implication can protect you from moving userdata as well. I have had places in my code where I maintained pointers to userdata and it inevitibly caused problems. Now I let Lua maintain the pointers and I simply have references into the Lua VM. I either use the registry or similar tables. The __gc metamethod can keep you fully informed about the lifetime of each userdata. And Lua has a powerful feature for maintining weak pointers to avoid frozen userdata pointers. When attempting to get a reference to a weak pointer you will get back a nil so you can cleanly handle this case. All these techniques keep your C state consistent with your Lua state.

I think one of Lua's most powerful and useful features is its simple yet flexible C interface.

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