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Ben Sunshine-Hill wrote:

The current garbage collector is non-compacting, so no GCed objects
ever move around. IIRC, the authors have cautioned that this may not
always be the case, though a lot of current code I've seen relies on
unmoving userdata.

 In any case, being on the stack wouldn't affect
this; the stack is just another element of the root set for
determining reachability for GC.

That may be so, but consider :

int func(Lua_state* L) {
  void* p = lua_newuserdata(L,sizeof(foo));
--  we would all hope that p remains valid,
--  even if we trigger a gc here
-- save the ud

-- pop the ud
--  it would be reasonable if p were invalid here : it's off the stack,
--  so one could argue that invalidates the pointer.
  return 0;

My specific problem is thread-related - can I pass a (referenced) full userdata pointer to another thread for background i/o, trusting that Lua will _never_ delete (or move) the memory pointed to, as long as the ud stays referenced ?

If that is the case, I'm confused about how the gc can shrink the pool without invalidating userdata. Using sockets for userdata :

s1=socket.tcp() -- create userdata before table
t={}; for i =1,1e6 do t[i]=i end
s2=socket.tcp() -- create userdata after table
collectgarbage("collect");print (collectgarbage("count"))
collectgarbage("collect");print (collectgarbage("count"))
=> 63.0166015625

so the memory comes back, as confirmed by task manager.
