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On Apr 11, 2006, at 3:47 AM, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
My guess is that you're boxing the matrix pointer in a userdata, and as
such, your userdata is four bytes big. This is all Lua takes into
account so I'm guessing your sawtooth will be present, just incredibly

I'll verify your guess today, but let's assume that it's true, as it's a "worst case" scenario for the discrepancy between Lua's size and the C++ memory side. Let's assume that a Matrix is 80 bytes in C+ +, and 4 bytes in Lua. (I don't really know, but it's at least 16x4 bytes of data, and we'll throw in some overhead to be sure.) As I mentioned before, the GC threshold starts out at 82k.

Absent any calls to GC, that means we can have roughly 21,000 Matrices hanging around in Lua before the threshold will be hit. At 80 bytes per, that's 1.6MB of memory waiting on the C++ side of things. At this particular threshold, I should see a sawtooth pattern on the order of a couple megabytes. However, I've watched the linear memory increase go for at least 5 megabytes.

Further, when I call collectgarbage() the first time, that's an implicit parameter of 0, forcing garbage collection. According to the 5.0 documentation, the garbage collection should run (leaving a single Matrix around, and perhaps a few other Lua objects in this test), update the count, and set the new threshold to twice the count. At this point, my threshold should be very small, and (if the auto-GC was working) I should see a much smaller sawtooth. But, a single call to collectgarbage() does not induce any sawtooth later on, again as memory grows by multiple megabytes.

Simple memory fragmentation at a guess. At points less regularly than
once per frame you are allocating an object which is longer lived than
the per-frame objects.

Unless we've missed something, this particular guess shouldn't be the case. We have internal memory trackers, and (separate from this issue) the simulation is running at a steady state, with 0 memory allocations after startup.

(Hrm...though Heisenberg may be smacking us upside the head. The act of flipping the gc-now flag was being done through a scriptlet mechanism that does use memory allocations. I'll have to try a pure- code flipper and see how that goes. Thanks for the idea.)

When I last worked on a game engine, we would force a garbage-collect
once per second which was less irritating than every frame but often
enough to keep memory use down. But we weren't using Lua so I don't know
how Lua would behave in this instance.

Remember that as Thomas said, the size of the userdata from the point of view of the garbage collector is the number of bytes you allocated (4 or
8 for a boxed pointer) and the size of the Udata header which is
probably somewhere in the region of 16 or 20 bytes on most common 32bit

Thanks so much for all your help. This is, in fact, for a game engine (sort of). As I've noted, I'll get stronger numbers today as to where memory is stored, what the gcinfo() threshold and usage is reporting during the increase, and so on.