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My application asynchronously receives UDP packets from several sources, but timeouts seem to be problematic. My code looks like this:

-- Initialize
for i=1,5 do            -- FIXME: count shouldnt be hard coded
        local udp
        DEBUG("Binding to host '" "' and port " ..port.. "...")
        udp = assert(socket.udp())
        assert(udp:setsockname(host, port))
        ip, port = udp:getsockname()
        assert(ip, port)
        DEBUG("Waiting for packets on " .. ip .. ":" .. port .. "...")
        receive_sockets[i] = udp

while 1 do

	socket_timeout = whatever	-- Computed timeout

        -- Make sure each individual socket has the same timeout
        for i=1,5 do    -- FIXME, remove hardcode
                local udp = receive_sockets[i]

        -- Wait on sockets
local readable,writable,, nil, socket_timeout)

        local src,_
        for src,_ in ipairs(readable) do
                local udp=receive_sockets[src]

                local dgram, ip, port = udp:receivefrom()
                if dgram then
DEBUG("Packet received on "..ip.."/"..port.." "..string.len(dgram).." bytes")


What happens is that the select waits for the computed timeout, despite the fact that packets are being recieved in the interim (verified by capturing packets via tcpdump). I recompile luasocket to use poll instead of select, but the problem persists.

Using Luasocket 2.0, Luajit 1.1.0 (problem also occurs on Lua 5.1) on Freebsd 4.10

Jim Mellander
Incident Response Manager
Computer Protection Program
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(510) 486-7204

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