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I have a debug console in my app, it accepts a string, evaluates it, and I want
to display back to the console user the results of evaluating the expression.

For example, given

  function two() return 2 end

I would like to be able to do in C:

  Lua_EvalString(lua, "two()");

and then see 2 on the top of the lua stack.

After calling lua_pcall() I never see anything on the stack (unless an error
occurred, in which case I see the error string and can display that).

My code:

	// Note - static functions cut from lua.c, the lua interpreter source.
	static int docall (lua_State* L, int status)
	  if (status == 0)
		  status = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 /* errhandler */);
	  return status;

	static int dostring (lua_State* L, const char *s, const char *name)
	  return docall(L, luaL_loadbuffer(L, s, CStr_GetLength((char*)s), name));

	FCHR32 Lua_EvalString(lua_State* Interpreter, const char* chunk)
		int result = dostring(Interpreter, chunk, "=<eval>");

			return 'L000' + result;

		return ERR_NONE;

Does anybody have a suggestion as to what I'm doing wrong?
