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Jamie Webb wrote:
On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 03:48:22PM -0700, Chris Marrin wrote:
Kerry Thompson wrote:
Interesting. I can see from what you, David, and Chris wrote that singling
out 3D wasn't the best way to get my point across. Let me phrase it another
way: I wouldn't want to do a high-speed twitch game using Lua to do event
handling. Hard-core gamers can tell (and will complain) when a game takes
1/100th of a second to respond.
Hmmm. I've seen UI studies that show that humans can't discriminate events that are less than 20ms (or 1/50th of a second) apart.

We may not be able to distinguish events that close together, but we
can certainly expect to time our actions to within 10ms. For example,
when returning a serve, a top tennis player must hit a ball moving at
something like 150km/h using a racquet with a 'sweet spot' maybe 10cm
in diameter. In 10ms, that ball has moved almost half a metre!

Given one racquet that somehow had even 1ms latency, and another that
didn't, I suspect our tennis pro could readily tell them apart, even
though he couldn't actually observe any difference.

Applying the same logic to games, a player may 'feel' a 10ms delay
even though his monitor may not refresh fast enough to have much chance
of actually seeing it.

But typical video games only refresh at 60Hz, which is 17ms. Even a great card might hit 120fps, which is around 8.5ms. The worst case system response, if an event is received right after a frame starts rendering, is double that, or 17ms. That means 17ms between the time a button is pressed and the response is seen on the screen, assuming 0 event latency and 0 time to process the event. So I just don't see the "gamers will notice a 10ms delay" argument. That's way below the theoretical limit.

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