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Kerry Thompson wrote:
Interesting. I can see from what you, David, and Chris wrote that singling
out 3D wasn't the best way to get my point across. Let me phrase it another
way: I wouldn't want to do a high-speed twitch game using Lua to do event
handling. Hard-core gamers can tell (and will complain) when a game takes
1/100th of a second to respond.

Hmmm. I've seen UI studies that show that humans can't discriminate events that are less than 20ms (or 1/50th of a second) apart. So I have a feeling that gamers that make such complaints are like audiophiles who claim to be able to tell the difference between a tube and FET amplifier (that should get all the audio geeks out of the woodwork).

My point is that Lua can be perfectly useable in a twitch game. It depends on how much Lua has to run between the recognition of an event and the visual result of that action.

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"As a general rule,don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell"'