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Hi to all, I am a new subscriber of this mailing list.
I am here because I want to write some programs with LUA for World of Wacraft.
Specifically I want to try to use LUA code to gain access to a MySql Database.
To do this I thought to use some DLL written in C, but I had some problems.
I followed all the tutorials and the guides on the Web. I use VC++ 6 to build
the DLL file on a Windows XP OS and I have downloaded latest version of LUA
from . My problem is that in every way I try to use the loadlib
function, the lib doesn't load.
the return of the function is always NIL and I cant open the lib.
Thanks a lot for the answers (even for read this my first mail).

I hope that you understand what I wrote, my english is usally very bad.

Thanks again.

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