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Rici Lake wrote:

On 15-Jan-06, at 6:19 PM, D Burgess wrote:

I agree with this.

On 1/16/06, Edgar Toernig <> wrote:

PS: I don't like the name osex.  I'd simply put them into os.

I agree with this, too. Loading the extended os package should extend the existing os package, not create a new one. Truly platform specific os interfaces could go in separate packages or subpackages (os.macosx)

In looking at the 5.1 code, it seems that loading the os package goes through a different line of code for registry (luaL_register) than an external package (ll_module). The code is somewhat different, for instance, luaL_register does not put an _NAME propertry in the table. Can I therefore do a 'require "os"' and have something reasonable happen?

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