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joe rossi wrote:
> True the issue is in Coco, not LuaJIT or Pluto. I
> don't know if it can unpersist yet. For me any
> coroutine.resume() blows up.
> Can you confirm this to crash an unmodified
> LuaJIT-1.0.3?
> [code]
> co = coroutine.create(function(x) print(x..', plz')
> end ) 
> coroutine.resume( co, 1 ) 
> [/code]

Nope. This works fine here:

$ luajit -e "co = coroutine.create(function(x) print(x..', plz') \
end); coroutine.resume( co, 1 )"
1, plz

So, which platform do you use? In case you are embedding LuaJIT,
are you sure you called luaopen_coco(), too? Or are you using
lua_newthread() anywhere else (lua_newcthread() is required)?
Have you compiled all of LuaJIT and your project with the same
