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On 24-Oct-05, at 4:52 PM, Rici Lake wrote:
In order to test this function, I had to implement the str.gsub behaviour, of course. The rules I used are:

1) nil or false: leave the original string intact
2) true:         delete the match (i.e. replace with "")
3) string:       replace %x as in current implementation
4) table:        lookup the first capture in the table, and
                 continue. (If another table is encountered,
                 use the next capture as the index.)
5) function:     call the function with all captures. If it
                 returns a boolean or nil, treat it as above;
                 if it returns a string, use the string as the
                 replacement without interpreting %x. Otherwise,
                 throw an error.

I forgot to add the following comment:

There seems to me to be a semantic ambiguity about the definition of "number of matches" in the case where the match is rejected by the use of a nil/false value. On the one hand, there is a sense in which this is "not a match"; i.e., the semantic intent was to not do the replace. On the other hand, it's handy to be able to use gsub simply in order to count the number of matches:

function wc(input)
  local _, wordcount = input:gsub("%S+", nil)
  local _, linecount = input:gsub("\n", nil)
  return linecount, wordcount, #input

This will work with the patched version, and the copy-elimination optimization seems to help, but again, I haven't done any serious benchmarking. (This implementation of wc appears to be about 6 times slower than the standard C implementation, tested on a 2 MB file: 0.207s vs 0.034s. With the nils changed to true, the time goes up to 0.321s.)

> function wc(input)
>>   local _, wordcount = input:gsub("%S+", nil)
>>   local _, linecount = input:gsub("\n", nil)
>>   return linecount, wordcount, #input
>> end
> =wc("src/lstrlib.c":read"*a")
883     3272    23805
rlake@freeb:~/src/lua-5.1-alpha$ wc src/lstrlib.c
     883    3272   23805 src/lstrlib.c