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On 6-Oct-05, at 5:59 AM, Doug Rogers wrote:

Thank you for sharing your patch. I like it, though I think some of the
iteration controls are hard to read - especially the ones that perform a
'continue' operation. With time I'm sure I would grow more comfortable
with them. I'd prefer 'break when' and 'continue when'.

Well, you're used to 'break' and 'continue'. But those are very difficult to explain to novice programmers, particularly 'continue'. Indeed, I think many programmers feel just a little uncomfortable with 'continue' because they don't really understand its full semantics, and hence avoid using it.

Shivers' vocabulary strikes me as well thought-out, at least for English language speakers.

Here's the little example, again:

function command_shell(stream, handlers, endword)
  for line in stream:lines() do
    until line == endword
    unless line = line:gsub("^%s*", "")
      satisfies line == "" or line:find("^#")
    local cmd, rest = line:match("(%S+)%s*(.*)")
    if h = handlers[cmd] satisfies h then
      h(argsplit(cmd, rest))
      print("Unrecognized command "..cmd)

Here, "until" is pretty clear: stop looping if the condition is true. I think "unless" is also pretty clear: don't do the rest of this loop if the condition is true. (I'm not sure that adding the satisfies clause is any improvement to the original, but it was free so I thought I'd try it.)

Since the guards are written in strict linear order, they are easy to explain. The loop always starts at the top and works down to the end. Contrast that with the confusion over whether 'continue' does or does not execute the tailguard in "repeat ... continue ... until cond"

But maybe that's just my perspective.

On the other hand, they don't read well if you want to terminate a surrounding loop.

 The 'when'
keyword could then be used to support a 'case' statement implementation.
And now we're off on another grand exploration!