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steffenj wrote:
I would like to see all the functions updated to also show the return
values. You always have to pick them out of the description text that
follows (if there is any hint, for example, getfenv doesn't explicitly
mention that it returns a table).

Good point.

Also, i personally feel that it is often confusing not to know what type of
value we're dealing with here. I wonder if this never occured to anyone
before because almost all scripts i look at don't follow any variable naming
convention at all. A variable "index" could be an integer, a string, or even
a table. This isn't clear without looking at the context, and that makes
reading (especially complex) scripts harder than it need be.

I've come up with a simple scheme for naming my variables which i've sticked
to for like 50.000 lines of Lua code:

nNumber = 123
	iInteger = 123 or rReal = 1.23 to differentiate where needed
sString = "a string"
bBoolean = true
tTable = {}
uUserdata = <someuserdata>
fFunction = function f() end
cCoroutine = co
hThread = <thread>
xUnknown (for values whose type is determined at runtime, eg a table index
can be both a string and an integer when walking through table elements)

Aha, this has a strong flavor of the quite controversed, (in)famous Hungarian notation...

Actually, in most of my programs (C/C++/Java/Basic/Lua/PHP/whatsnot), I try to stick to a subset of this notation -- mostly a for arrays, b for boolean because I allow the 'if bTest then' only on booleans, even in C, m for malloced data (to remember to free it), etc.

Of course, one may argue than in a weakly typed language, these notations are meaningless. Counter-argument: it is bad practice to reuse variable names for something totally different...

An additional prefix "g" to mark global variables (visible even across
files). So that would make: gnGlobalNumber etc.

For such rules (scope, static, etc.), I prefer to use g_, s_, gs_... to separate from type.

Giving variables reasonable names (and prefixed) seems to be neglected far
too often in the Lua community, if i may say so. I often find it hard to
read scripts as i have to keep in mind one extra information about each
variable: it's type. If i can't remember, I'll have to go back and scan
through the relevant parts again, eg looking up the type of value a function
returns. And then back again to where i was. ... Where was I? <sigh>

Sure, it's quicker to write everything in lowercase letters and stick to
variable names with at max 6 chars. Sure, it's hard to stick or even get
used to naming conventions when many Lua scripts are at most 200 lines. Yes,
i *felt* that, too. But it would still make it easier to understand the
scripts, even for the scripter (my personal experience tells me so).

I agree :-) But C programmers seems to have a strong incline for small, abbreviated and unreadable names :-P I dropped this practice quite a long time ago (except for i, j, k...) or when I feel lazy on very short-lived variables or on very small programs.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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