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On 10-Aug-05, at 6:02 PM, David Given wrote:

It uses exceptions extensively in order to communicate error states. Yes, they're not cheap in terms of code size, but used properly they can *vastly* simplify your logic flow. Another thing I was doing was never dynamically
allocating anything if I could possibly help it; I think I use the new
operator once in the entire program. (Although I do use STL containers quite a lot.) Since C++ exceptions call destructors, this means that all my memory
allocation problems basically go away.

The Lua parser is an interesting example of precisely that philosophy, although of course it uses the features Lua provides (like tables) rather than STL.

Hauling the subject bodily back on topic, one of the few issues I have with Lua is that there's no standard for exceptions. There is no consistent 'out of memory' exception; some parts throw a string, some a number, some return an error code, some return an error string, etc. The other standard failure
cases are all quite similar.

There are a lot of libraries out there which have not tried to conform to the Lua style, imho. Many of these are just light wrappers around C or C++ libraries, of course, and have not been reengineered in any way. There is really no excuse for not using a standard Lua mechanism for returning errors.

Having said that, I do agree that:

I do feel strongly that the use of exceptions can very much improve a program, and in keeping with the Lua philosophy, it would be a good idea to provide a standardised framework that application and library writers can use. Part of
this framework should, I think, involve standard exception *names*.
Otherwise, there's no way of knowing if you've caught a standard exception or

One of the interesting things about exceptions is that catching named exceptions implies a dynamic (i.e. runtime) scope for bindings (to exception handlers).