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Why not use lua_pushvalue() ?

On 7/26/05, Kriss <> wrote:
> I  was just thinking about tidying up some code and want to do the
> following.
> cache a pointer returned from lua_touserdata() on the C side (I am
> already doing this anyway)
> at some point later on, push that userdata onto the stack to be used as
> a table look up key, I can guarantee that the userdata will not have
> been GCd at this point. At the moment I am using a unique integer as a
> table key, but it would be simpler to use the userdata instead.
> however there is no lua_pushuserdata()
> Is it safe just to use a modified version of lua_newuserdata() that
> doesnt allocate any new userdata but takes a previously allocated
> pointer and pushes it on the stack?
> EG  some untested 5.0 code :)
> LUA_API void lua_pushuserdata (lua_State *L, void *data) {
>   lua_lock(L);
>   luaC_checkGC(L);
>   setuvalue(L->top, ((Udata *)(data))-1);
>   api_incr_top(L);
>   lua_unlock(L);
> }
> or is there some more magic surrounding userdata I should be aware of.
> --
> Kriss
> -><-