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Do you mean object syntax? Where you might have

local foo = MyObject();
foo.var1 = "A";
foo.var2 = "B";
foo.var3 = "C";

where MyObject() returns an appropriately set up table and
DoSomething() is a C function call?

In that case, the 'foo' table will be passed as the 'hidden' first
parameter, which you can access in the usual way inside the C function
as the 1st element on the Lua stack. i.e.

int DoSomething(lua_State *L)
    if(!lua_istable(L, 1))
        error(L, "self is not a valid table!");
    lua_pushstring(L, "var1");
    lua_gettable(L, 1);                 // Get self["var1"]
    value = lua_tostring(L, -1);      // value points to "A" if you
assume the above script.
    lua_pop(L, 1)                        // Remove number from the stack

    // etc.

On 6/19/05, Wim Couwenberg <> wrote:
> > -- in lua script i have --------
> > local SELF = {}
> >
> > function SELF.onDamage( )
> >    -- do some stuff
> > end
> Locals are not stored in a table.  The SELF in your example will simply
> get collected some time after the script has run since there are no
> references to SELF left.
> There are basically two approaches:
> 1)  Drop the "local" to make SELF a global and you can access that
> easily.  Globals are stored in the script's environment.
> 2)  Explicitly "return SELF" at the end of the script to obtain a
> reference to it.
> --
> Wim