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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

>> If the authors of Lua have any trademarks or other rights of the
>> name "Lua" in the field of computing I suggest to contact MS ASAP.
> We don't have any rights of the name "Lua", though we do have Lua, the
> software, registered in our INPI (National Institute for Industrial
> Property). But I don't think we or PUC want or have resources to sue MS.
> Who does?
> Also, like I said before, LUA existed as an acronym long before Lua was born.
> It meant Logical Unit Application, whatever that is. See
> --lhf

Hopefully, Microsoft doesn't want or isn't able to forbid
you the usage of the name Lua.

In the past, they did so concerning the term "Windows":
wxWindows -> wxWidgets
Lindows -> Linspire
Windows Commander -> Total Commander
