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Mike Crowe escribió:

Hi folks,

This is probably very easy, but I can't seem to see how to do it. I have a complete project of ~12 .lua files that I want to distribute. Windows platform. Assume destination has lua.exe and luac.exe

I thought the answer was to:
   luac -o myfile.luac file1.lua file2.lua file3.lua .... file12.lua

That creates "myfile.luac" that appears to be all the files together.

However, if I copy this file to a new directory, and execute:
   lua myfile.luac

I get an error like:
lua: cannot read compat.lua: No such file or directory
stack traceback:
       [C]: in function `dofile'
       all.lua:9: in main chunk
       (luac): in main chunk
       [C]: ?

(compat.lua is one of the files in my project).

What am I missing here?

Hi Mike:

Other way to pack several scripts:

1) Download ckurmi.exe from: 2) Name the main script (the first to be called) "kurmi.lua" (even if it is compiled).
3) Compile each script separately.
4) Put all the compiled scripts inside a standard Zip file.
5) Create the exe+lua unit as:
     copy ckurmi.exe/B + TheDist.exe/B
6) Now you can test it running TheDist.exe

1) Use kurmi.dofile instead of dofile (or do: dofile = kurmi.dofile before the first call). 2) You can use kurmi.loadfile (loadfile clone). Don't forget to put the .dll inside the .zip
