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In case if anyone is interested, here is a small glossary of LU's words (sic):

"class" == package (module?)
"object" == table of functions
"instance" == a copy of a table of functions
"method" == function

So far, LU defines 8 classes:

(1) LUObject is the root class. Every other classes are derived from it. It defines 7 instance methods: conformsTo, equals, hashCode, isKindOf, respondsTo, self and toString. And 4 class methods: extend, isKindOf, new, toString. The extend class method is how one create subclasses:

-- extend the super class
local thisClass, superClass = LUObject.extend( LUObject )

-- extend the super class instance
local this, super = superClass.extend( )

(2) LUClass provides most of the introspection mechanisms. It defines 9 instance methods: bundle, classMethodNames, classMethodWithName, entity, methodNames, methodWithName, name, superclass, toString. And 3 class methods: classNames, classWithName, new.

LULog.debug( LUObject ).methodNames() )

(3) LUBundle provides "location" awareness to the system. It defines 6 instance methods: entity, name, path, pathForResource, resourcePath, toString. And 5 class methods: bundleNames, bundleWithName, nameWithPath, new, separator.

LULog.debug( LUBundle ).resourcePath() )

(4) LUList is a glorified wrapper around Lua's native table. It defines 13 instance methods: add, addAll, clear, equals, get, indexOf, load, remove, shuffle, size, sort, store, toString. And 1 class method: new. Of interest are the toString method which builds a string representation of the list and load and store which can persist a list to file.

LULog.debug( { 1, 2, 3 } ).store( LUList ).path().."list.txt" ) )

(5) LUMap is a glorified wrapper around Lua's native table. It defines 13 instance methods: clear, equals, get, hasKey, hasValue, keys, load, put, putAll, size, store, toString, values. And 1 class method: new. Of interest are the toString method which builds a string representation of the map and load and store which can persist a map to file.

LULog.debug( _G ).keys() )

(6) LUDate is a glorified wrapper around Lua's native os.time and functionalities. It presently defines 11 instance methods: date, day, dayOfWeek, dayOfYear, hour, minute, month, second, time, toString, year. And 2 class methods: dateWithValues, new. This class is going to grow to handle all sort of date arithmetics.

LULog.debug( )
LULog.debug( LUDate.dateWithValues( { year = 1970, month = 1, day = 1 } ) )

(7) LUTask is a glorified wrapper around Lua's native coroutine. It presently defines instance methods: resume, run, status, target, yield. And class methods: loop, new, register, run, tasks.

(8) LULog is a glorified wrapper around Lua's native print function. It defines 6 class methods: debug, error, info, new, trace, warning. There are now instance methods.

Check Example.lua for, well, usage examples :P


PA, Onnay Equitursay