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> You wrote your own http and mime support? May I ask why? If there is
> something so bad about our implementation that you decided to
> write your own, please let me know.

I don't feel the approach of Lua behind most of the libraries. Keep it
simple but at the same time powerfull and very flexible. I prefer a
nearly perfect code structure - well named variables...

> > Talking of MIME support, the current LuaSocket seems to concerns itself
> > only with MIME encodings and there appear to be no support for handling
> > MIME structures, is that right?

> Yes, sort of. We thought about implementing parsing support for
> multipart but we never really did it.

I did it because I need the uploading of file_s_ for my web app. I spent
weeks to reach my intentions: Keep it simple but at the same time
powerfull and very flexible.

Sorry that my answer is so general. I don't have the time now to go more
in details. But the plan is to open all the Lua sources (Lua Library) I
wrote. I must do documentation to show the simple concepts and to get
more acceptance from others.
