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>>> 01/20/05 05:46AM >>>
> screen = Screen(640, 480)
> But it allows for only one constructor. 

We don't have compile-time overloading but Lua
functions can check the type of their parameters
and work out what kind of construction
to perform:

function Point.set(pt,x,y,z)
  -- copy constructor?
  if type(x) == 'table' and getmetatable(x) == Point then
     local po = x
     x = po[1]
     y = po[2]
     z = po[3]
  pt[1] = x
  pt[2] = y
  pt[3] = z 

Granted, this could get ugly.

On another tangent, I've defined Point and Complex
classes.  Shows how to redefine the Lua arithmetic 
operators consistently: 

steve d.