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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next] [Date Index] [Thread Index] wrote:
> Yes, this (classes) could well get my vote for things to commonalize
> (not standardize ;) after the modules dilemma will be out of the way.
> Something like a simple 'class.' table like the rest of the Lua
> add-ons.  I'd like that. :)
> Of course, there's nothing keeping us from starting that work already
> now.
> -ak
I'd like to see classes implemented in the core as first class values,
not just commonalized or standardize.

Let's suppose someone makes an wonderful GUI extension to Lua based on
his/her class system (does anybody know of a GUI lib that's not object
oriented?). You have your very own class system for your application.
How would you use the GUI ext? Having two different class systems in
your program would probably lead you to many programming errors...


Andre de Leiradella