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On Thursday 16 December 2004 9:20 am, Tomas wrote:
>  There is subtle trick you might pay attention.  Despite
> the launcher you choose, CGILua always run from the beginning,
> therefore, unless you decide to change the internal structure,
> you will have to put the above code inside cgilua/config.lua.
> This way, the code will be executed before CGILua decides what
> handler to call.  Also you will have to register all the functions
> there, for the same reason.

right, i haven't tried this code yet (it was just off the top of my head).  i 
realized that the url-funcions table should be created before most of CGILua.  
config.lua might be a good place to put it.

or maybe i could store that table with the Stable API?

something like this:

-- store an empty table
stable.set ('ulrfuncs', {})
-- register (sub)dispatcher
cgilua.addscripthandler ('lf', function (path) return stable.get ('urlfuncs')
[path]() end )

-- to register new funcs
function registerurlfunc (path,func)

lots of error checks missing.....

> > maybe i would modify the fastcgi launcher to get rid of the venv() for
> > each call... i still feel that it negates most of the advantages of the
> > persistent state of fastCGI
>  You can do that but be careful because CGILua expects to
> run in a clean environment.
>   Tomas

that experiment would be after i feel comfortable with the other additions.   
i still don't really understand why is it desirable to isolate each request 
with a venv(),  what would you think about doing just one venv() surrounding 
the main request loop in the fastcgi launcher?


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