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I have updated the patch. Since it has gotten a bit lengthy for an
attachment, you can download it from:

Note: the patch is relative to the original Lua 5.1-work3 distribution.
You have to back out the previous patch or apply it to a fresh copy.

The most important addition is the change for Mac OS X to use bundles.
Here are the details:

- Clarify some comments.
- Add a notice that you must use strip -x on Mac OS X.
- Add a notice about modifying include/luaconf.h if you change INSTALL_ROOT.

- Use several defines to build up the path strings (simplifies changes).
- Mark the API functions properly under Windows.
- Add a define for the module name separator ("_").

- Use bundles instead of dylibs for Mac OS X.
- Add a hint on how to compile a Lua extension module as a bundle.
- Change registerlib() to take a memory pointer and a size argument.
  A single boxed pointer does not suffice for the Mac OS X (un)loader.
- Pass back a pointer to the copied memory area to freelib().
- Fix an error message referencing _CPATH (now package.cpath).
- Use the define for the module name separator.
- Clean up the (strangely messed up) indentation and spacing.
