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> [Asko Kauppi <>]
> > 
> > Imho, this is not a question of Turing-to-or-not but of proper 
> > sandboxing, right?  I mean, if there's absolutely no way the program 
> > can contact outside world (read files etc.) then what harm could 
> > turingness possibly do?
> Presumably you don't want to allow configuration files to cause
> infinite loops... You could probably address that with a simple
> timeout in most cases, and use sandboxing for the stuff you mention.
> Matt


I need to do something similar. Let's have an IDE type of application. The user types in a script, then runs it. The script will run in a separate thread to allow the GUI of the IDE to stay responsive. If the script takes too long, or misbehaves in any way, the user will want to terminate it by pressing the "Stop" button. The main thread then must stop the script.

What is the proper way to terminate a running lua_State from another thread?
