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>> And this is precisely the reason why any well designed API should
>> provide a void * pointer to a private data structure that is passed
>> on to callbacks. 
>> I suggest you ask the authors of the library to add such a pointer to
>> the rfbClient structure. There are private data pointers in other
>> structures, so they certainly know about the issue.
> I'll do that, I just thought there could be a solution not involving
> changing the structure. 
> And thanks for the tips on your answer about strange stack behaviour,
> callbacks are probably the source of the problem, I'll take a look at
> them.  

You were right, Mike. My callback functions had a
lua_settop(userData->L, 0), which I changed. Everything is working fine
now. As for the user defined pointer, I wrote a message to the library's
author asking him to add one.
